تروي أوريفلام ما لا ينته من قصص النجاح حول العالم. فإذا كنت تملك الطاقة والقدرة على التحرك بسرعة، أوريفلام تخبئ لك مكافأة خاصة!
تروي أوريفلام ما لا ينته من قصص النجاح حول العالم. فإذا كنت تملك الطاقة والقدرة على التحرك بسرعة، أوريفلام تخبئ لك مكافأة خاصة!

Stress less: Your guide to wellness and balance

Published: 13/07/2024 | Author: Evelin Kangur

Stress is a modern buzzword but the effects of it can play havoc with our health and wellbeing. Luckily there are strategies to cope and regain a peaceful balance in your life – from gentle activities to natural remedies, here’s some tips to de-stress your life.

Small, controlled amount of stress can be invigorating – there’s nothing like a healthy rush before an important deadline, right? However, long-term stress has a detrimental effect on mental and physical health. When stress hits us with all its tour de force, our body and mind react with less-than-optimal performance. Regaining balance is not always easy, but there are strategies to help you get there!

What are the signs of stress

The first signs of stress are usually anxiety, worry, tension, and loss of focus. As stress takes its toll, we experience declined mental capabilities, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive issues, muscle tension, insomnia, weight gain, chronic pain, and, of course, fatigue. Recognising these signs early can help us take proactive steps to manage stress and protect our overall well-being.

Tips for reducing stress

There are a number of ways to deal with stress and the key is to get distance from the root cause and offer your body and mind some downtime. If the stress stems from huge responsibility, break it down to small actionable steps and focus on one step at a time. It’s easy to say, just relax, when the adrenaline is speeding up, but there are strategies to kickstart the journey towards mental balance.

Physical activity

Get out of analysis paralysis by shifting your attention from mind to body. Shake your body and dance, practice yoga or go for a brisk walk for at least 30 minutes. If you’re not at the 30 min. level just yet, no worries at all, just listen to your body and work your way up. All these activities increase endorphins making your emotional state resilient to stressors. During stressful times you might want to skip HIIT workout as it can increase cortisol even more. Focus on exercise during which you can keep your breath at a comfortable level and practice whenever you have a chance.

Rewire your brain with meditation

One of the holistic approaches to stress management is meditation. You can practise meditation from the comfort of your home or do it when you’re on a walk, riding a bus or waiting to get your nails done. How to get started? There are several techniques to discover – using mantras, guided meditation, or mindfulness practice. The key is to focus on one thing or nothing at all and let your mind shift into deep relaxation. Directing your attention to something allows the mind to stop racing, giving well deserved rest for your hard-working brain. Meditation makes you feel grounded and gives enhanced inner peace to observe situations in your life from a different perspective.



Natural remedies for stress relief

From sleepy girl mocktails to lemon balm tea and adaptogenic plants, the botanicals are here to help us tackle stress. Chamomile is one of the widespread herbs to relieve anxiety and make you ready for bed. Adaptogens as the name says are ancient plants that help to adapt the body to stress by giving us what we need the most – energy or relaxation. Powerful plant for both stamina and calm, ashwagandha can soothe the mind, boost the immune system and relieve stress. Add it to your tea or drink it by itself with hot water or (plant) milk.

Restorative sleep

Take sleep seriously as it is instrumental to every aspect of our lives, create a solid bedtime routine to snip stress at the root. Follow a daily routine of eating no later than 2 hours before bedtime, dim the lights and air the bedroom before tucking yourself in. This means no phone or computer in bed as blue right is upright disruptive. If needed, grab a light reading while sipping on an adaptogenic tea to get your brain snooze ready.

Know your boundaries

There is no one measurement for how much stress a person can tolerate. That’s why it's crucial to listen to your body and recognise when it's time to take a step back. Setting boundaries is essential in managing stress—whether it’s saying no to extra work or limiting social commitments. Nurture yourself by carving out some "me time" to prioritise wellbeing practices that help you relax and recharge, like a soothing bath, a walk in nature, or simply enjoying a quiet moment with a good book.
Managing stress effectively requires a tailored approach; it’s important to try multiple techniques to find ways that suit you the most. From setting boundaries and embracing physical activity to exploring herbal remedies and carving out "me time," these methods will help you to stress less.

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