When you think about caring for your health and wellbeing, your bones may not be the first thing you think of – you can’t see them after all! But bones – just like our muscles – are living tissue, growing and changing continuously throughout our lifetime.
We build bone mass during childhood and adolescence, reach peak bone mass by around our mid-20s, and start to lose bone mass after around age 30. For women, this loss accelerates at menopause, placing them at greater risk of fragile bones in old age. That’s why it’s really important to do your best to build strong, dense bones when you’re young, and try to maintain bone density as you age!
Fortunately, managing your nutrition and lifestyle habits could help to reduce that risk. Here are four great ways to keep your bones healthy and happy!

2. Do weight-bearing exercises

Weight-bearing exercises are great for bone health. By using your weight to put stress on your bones, you actually stimulate bone growth and slow down age-related bone density loss. Some easy weight-bearing exercises include skipping rope, jumping, step ups, squats, racquet sports and hiking.

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