موسوعه المكونات
تروي أوريفلام ما لا ينته من قصص النجاح حول العالم. فإذا كنت تملك الطاقة والقدرة على التحرك بسرعة، أوريفلام تخبئ لك مكافأة خاصة!


Rubus chamaemorus

Fondly referred to as our very own ‘forests’ gold’ in Sweden, the wild cloudberry holds a very special place in Swedish cuisine and culture. Although the hardy cloudberry is able to survive at temperatures well below - 40, its amber-coloured fruit is very delicate once picked, making it highly sought after. Packed with antioxidants, fresh cloudberries are considered very special treats only, and are usually eaten cooked in jams and syrups. As a beauty ingredient, the fruity little nuggets’ high antioxidant content helps to condition skin and boost radiance.

الفوائد الرئيسية

  • Protects skin against free radicals and boosts radiance thanks to high vitamin C and polyphenol levels.

  • Cloudberry helps skin to retain moisture, thanks to its high sugar and mineral content.

Cloudberries get their red and gold colouring from their high polyphenol content, which together with high vitamin C, A and E levels protect the plant from frost, and help your skin look radiant.

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