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Mallow flower

Mallow flower

Malva sylvestris

Mallow’s anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties have been valued in herbal remedies and tea infusions since ancient times. The edible plant grows wild in Europe, North Africa and Asia and contains a high level of active compounds, including flavonoids, flavones, mucilages, amino acids, as well as antioxidant vitamins E and C, just to name a few! Equally prized in beauty, mallow flower extract is known for its hydrating, skin-conditioning and soothing properties, helping to relieve and comfort skin.

الفوائد الرئيسية

  • Hydrating, soothing and skin-conditioning.

  • Helps to maintain the skin protective barrier.

  • High levels of antioxidant compounds, including vitamins E and C help to protect the skin against oxidative damage

Mallow has a high content in mucilages – polysaccharides that attract water – making it a fantastic ingredient for helping to provide relief and comfort to skin.

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