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تروي أوريفلام ما لا ينته من قصص النجاح حول العالم. فإذا كنت تملك الطاقة والقدرة على التحرك بسرعة، أوريفلام تخبئ لك مكافأة خاصة!

Safe and lasting ways to lose weight for health

Published: 06/05/2024 | Author: Oriflame

How can you lose weight safely and keep it off? Obesity expert Professor Claude Marcus of Karolinska Institute and Registered Nutritionist Caroline Cummins explore.


Being overweight or obese has many implications for health and wellbeing. But losing excess weight in a way that is sustainable, safe – and that lasts for the long term – is a huge challenge for most. Is trending drug Ozempic the answer? Meal replacements? Caroline Cummins and Claude Marcus explore all of these questions and more.

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